
Showing posts from June, 2017

Brad Hensley: Independent Royaltie Gem Affiliate

CREATE YOUR GEM ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW >>> START WINNING TODAY! • There’s not a lot of new things in the world but this is new. The product we provide was literally not technologically possible until December 2016 • The Royaltie Gem is a wireless device. • It’s small, lightweight, weatherproof. • Doesn’t need wifi or a cellular connection. • It runs 24/7 for up to 2 years on a single battery. No plug or recharging required. • It’s simple: Just take it out of the box, and you’re up and running! • Here’s what it does: The Royaltie Gem broadcasts a bluetooth signal 100 yards in every direction to Anyone with an Android phone (60% of smartphones in North America) with Bluetooth on will receive a notification (70% of Android users have Bluetooth enabled) with location services turned on. The notification is a 40 character message that links to a website of your choice – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, twitter, yelp, or your secure business website. ** The notification is not “s